To effectively continue our mission, we need your support. You may make a donation to The Arc Mid-South by completing the donation form and returning it to the office or by donating online. All donations are tax-deductible. Upon receipt of your donation, you will be sent a letter and receipt for your tax records. We appreciate your support. Through your donation, The Arc Mid-South is able to improve the services and opportunities for individuals with disabilities.
Your Support through membership enables The Arc Mid-South to:
Offer guidance and support to individuals who need help
Monitor national progress made in education, employment, community living, and recreation for people with disabilities
Encourage progressive legislation
Develop and promote effective programs and services
Promote and apply research to enhance independence
Provide the elderly with personal assistance and home care services
Educate the community on precautions that can be used to prevent developmental disabilities
Ways to Give
Your support for The Arc helps us lead the fight for equality and inclusion, provide vital services and support, and improve the lives of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families.